The Library Preservation Fund, renewed by Proposition D (November 2007), requires that the Library Commission assess and modify as appropriate the hours of operation (“open hours”) of the Main and branch libraries at least once every five years. The library is required by San Francisco City Charter Section 16.109(f) to conduct a comprehensive assessment of needs regarding service hours; including…
Focus Groups

California Energy Commission Vehicle Surveys
Summary: CC&G arranged for nine focus groups to be conducted throughout the State of California (in Sacramento, Fresno, Los Angeles, and the San Francisco Bay Area), and recruited and conducted the two Bay Area focus groups. The groups focused on residential and commercial vehicle owners and gauged their likelihood of switching to electric vehicles when they made their next purchase…

Health Care Needs Assessment
Key Findings: Emergency rooms, particularly at SF General, are thought to be state-of the art for life threatening or severe medical emergencies. For other health care needs, however, the process if often slow and frustrating. There is an unmet need for interim health care facilities. Suggestions to alleviate the problem: Reduce waiting times in Emergency Rooms Expand hours of operation…