Health Care Needs Assessment

Key Findings:

  • Emergency rooms, particularly at SF General, are thought to be state-of the art for life threatening or severe medical emergencies. For other health care needs, however, the process if often slow and frustrating.
  • There is an unmet need for interim health care facilities. Suggestions to alleviate the problem:
    • Reduce waiting times in Emergency Rooms
    • Expand hours of operation for clinics
    • Expand the use of mobile clinics.
  • There is a need for a comprehensive central source which San Franciscans can access for information on health care providers. This source should detail: services offered, location, hours of operation, contact information, etc.


The Health Care Needs Assessment project was conducted to study, on a qualitative level, the extent to which San Francisco hospitals, clinics and health care providers are fulfilling the needs of different segments of the population. The focus groups were conducted within various segments of San Francisco residents, including: lower income, homeless, lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender, African American, and Spanish speaking residents.

A final assessment report was compiled which outlined findings and recommendations to the City. This assessment report included the qualitative research findings and secondary research data.

*Note: BHSF is a partnership of San Francisco Hospitals, the Dept. of Health and other government agencies, the United Way, social service providers, philanthropic foundations and business organizations

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