Creative Strategy

Gauging our clients’ needs is a critical first step in recommending an effective research strategy. CC&G meets with clients to discuss project challenges and evaluate the pros and cons of various research methodologies. Our ability to develop a creative, comprehensive strategy that meets both the project requirements and the client’s budget is one of our greatest strengths.

First, we listen.
Next, we ask the right questions.
Then we listen again.

Multi-lingual Surveys

According the the US Census Bureau, 22% of all Americans and 45% of Californians speak a language other than English at home. Additionally, 17% of Californians speak English less than “Very Well.” In this climate, the need for methods to reach non-English speakers is crucial to allow all population groups a way to make their voices heard. CC&G utilizes multiple methods to accomplish this, including bilingual interviewers and survey instruments (both paper and online) in multiple languages.

Many studies we conduct are in English, Spanish, and either Vietnamese or Chinese, although studies encompassing 4-6 or more languages are not uncommon. (And we are able to provide multiple languages/multiple methodologies in a way that is economically feasible.) We have developed protocols so that, even when a CC&G interviewer and respondent do not speak the same language, we are still likely to obtain a response.

Merged Methodology

Smartphones and tablets are everywhere. But the unrealized revolution mobile technology exacerbated is one of choice. While respondents can often be reached on their cell phone, they may not want to be – according to a Pew study, 42% of adult cell phone owners are ‘irritated’ by calls or texts which interrupt them. Many respondents have, and expect, the right to choose what is being consumed and when: Right now my device is a text/email device; later, it’s a phone; in 30 minutes, it’s my entertainment center. Among younger and lower-income respondents, pressure on the mobile device may be even more pronounced, as they are more likely to own a cell phone only (no landline) and/or use their phone as their primary/sole Internet device. Hence the importance of considering multiple approaches – one that carefully considers potential respondents and the approach(es) to which they are most receptive.

Some firms only recommend one approach, because that is where all of their experience lies. CC&G has experience in all types of surveys – paper, tablet, online, phone, and (more frequently) hybrid studies.

“Corey, Canapary & Galanis is able to write the best
questionnaire in California.”— Aide to a California Governor